Welcome to the amazing world of birds!
Are we able to see the beauty? Or, being immersed in daily concerns, in every day vanity, we do not care about it at all? In fact, the art of seeing the beauty, admiring it — can significantly change our lives!
Let us notice: to admire the beauty — means to love the beauty!
And to love the beauty is possible only if we are able to notice it and to experience emotionally every nuance of the magnificence of the beautiful!
Impressions are food for a soul! Whatever these impressions are, good or bad, — they leave their traces in us. It is like our material bodies being constructed of that which comes into them with food. In the same way, impressions form us as souls.
So let us fill ourselves with the beautiful!

... Look! — a small flower — with its face-corolla — follows the sun from rising to setting. There is so much tenderness, purity, openness in it! A beautiful butterfly has landed on it, attracted by its beauty, its gentle aroma. It sips sweet nectar. Nearby, a birdie tirelessly sings its wonderful song of love, filling the surrounding space with joyful sounding…
... Comprehending the beauty, merging by souls with it, we become a part of this beauty. And the beauty becomes an integral part of us.
In this way, we go toward the cognition of the Creator of all the beautiful, Who is invisibly present behind this beauty and keeps it on the Palms of His Hands of Love.
But eyes and ears are not enough for perceiving the beauty in all its fullness. The advanced perception of the beautiful is possible only with a developed spiritual heart.
What one has to do in order to develop in oneself the ability TO LOVE — to love not only from the mind, but also from the heart, i.e. not metaphorically — but sincerely, to love by the whole soul?
For this purpose, it is important to know that in our bodies there are special bioenergetic organs — chakras. (More details about chakras can be found in Vladimir Antonov’s books “Ecopsychology”, “How God Can Be Cognized”, etc.).
The most important of all chakras is anahata. It is located in the chest and — in the developed state — fills it entirely. It is this chakra that contains the spiritual heart. And the spiritual heart is the organ which produces the emotions of love and transforms us, as souls, into love-light. As spiritual hearts, we can become very big, grow infinitely — until we grow up to God and He encloses us in the Embrace of His Love.
And our small friends — birds, for example, can help us to make first steps in development of the spiritual heart.
... Let us listen to the song of robin redbreast. It has the subtlest and very melodious voice. Let us place this song in our anahatas. Its voice, like a tuning fork, can tune our spiritual hearts to subtlety and paradisiacal purity. Then let us fill our chests with the most gentle white-golden light of the morning sun, “melt” the spiritual hearts by its tender heat! And the song of robin redbreast can still sound in us.
In wildlife, this birdie starts to sing in morning among the first. And morning mist, sparkling in the rays of the sun, begins to sound with joy of this lovely birdie.
... With the help of birds it is possible not only to gain some insight about what anahata is, but also to feel other chakras and bioenergy structures.
For example, when listening to the song of black grouse, we can feel well vishudha, located at the bottom of the neck. At that, we may feel as if our necks are inflated and the vocal chords start to vibrate so that we are about to sing like black grouse.
This effect is caused by resonant attunement of vishudha with the voices of birds.
People with well-developed vishudha have a pronounced ability to aesthetic perception.
And to the juicy, graceful song of the blackbird, it is possible to feel the chakra svadhisthana, which is located at the lower part of the belly.
Songs of ravens and woodcocks resound with the front meridian, which goes as a wide band through the face and the front part of the neck and trunk. This meridian is significant for development of such an important quality as tenderness in us. Those who have a developed front meridian can feel very intense positive emotions from relations with other people and with nature.
... On the pages of this section of the site, we will get acquainted with some birds: we will learn their outward appearance, some features of behavior, voices. From now on, every voice in the spring hubbub of birds will be associated for us with the appearance of concrete bird, which we known by name. And those whom we know “by face” and by name, can become for us incomparably closer, dearer, more beloved!
We can learn a lot from our smaller brothers and sisters! Observing them in nature, we understand that birds are not at all biological mechanisms and that their behavior is determined not only by reflexes and a certain set of instincts. No! They are living, rational beings, which go through their stage of development in the great process of the Evolution of the Universal Consciousness. And they too have the ability to think, to experience emotions, to be tender and loving.
They are not at all flying pieces of meat, which have to be caught and eaten! They are also not “moving targets” for the cruel amusement of people-primitives, which is called sport hunting! No! They are our friends! Moreover, they can become for us — our small spiritual teachers assisting us in getting rid of coarse emotional states, which draw us to hell. And they show us the opportunity to come nearer to paradise — through attunement by our souls with them — paradisiacal beings.
In creation of this section of the site, besides personal observations, the following books were used:
1. Byome R.L., Dinets V.L., Flint Â.Å., Cherenkov A.E. — Birds. The Encyclopedia of the Nature of Russia. “ABF”, Moscow, 1998. (in Russian)
2. Zauer F. — Birds — Inhabitants of Meadows, Fields and Forests. “AST”, “Publishing house Astrel”, Moscow, 2002. (in Russian)
3. Zauer F. — Birds — Inhabitants of Lakes, Bogs, and Rivers. “AST”, “Publishing house Astrel”, Moscow, 2002. (in Russian)
4. Pukinskij J.B. — Birds. “Lenisdad”, Leningrad, 1998. (in Russian)
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Authors of pictures — Ekaterina Smirnova, Olga Stepanets, Anna Zubkova, Anton Teplyy.