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All about killing-free nutrition

A selection of sites dedicated to
vegan, vegetarian nutrition and healthy eating

  1. Home: Library & Summaries | Plant Based DataThe best library of peer-reviewed sources relating to a plant-based lifestyle

  2. The Vegan SocietyStudy a collection of research into veganism and learn about our Research Advisory Commitee and Researcher Network.

  3. Plant Based Health Professionals UK | Plant-Based Nutrition & Lifestyle ResourcesPlant-based Health Professionals provides education and advice on whole food plant-based nutrition for the treatment of chronic disease.

  4. | The Latest Nutrition Related Topics — The latest in nutrition research delivered in easy to understand videos, blog posts, and podcasts brought to you by Dr. Michael Greger M.D."

  5. Seminars | Books | Ruediger Dahlke | LabitschbergRuediger Dahlke shows you the holistic path of healing. Find out more about his books, seminars and training courses, fasting weeks, peace food classes and the theory of psychosomatic medicine, integral medicine.

  6. The China Study - T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies — Dr. T. Colin Campbell of Cornell University co-directed one of the most comprehensive nutrition studies ever undertaken, the China Project. Together with his son Dr. Thomas M. Campbell they shared his research findings in their best selling book The China Study.

  7. Join the Food Revolution: Science-Based Nutrition for Life— Food Revolution teaches you how to live on a whole food, plant-based diets based on science. Join the Food Revolution community and transform your life for a healthier you and a healthier planet.