New Ecopsychology
Published by ISBN: 978-1-8975-1016-2 © Antonov V.V., 2008 Love for PeopleLove can and should be expressed in both emotions and actions. We talked about emotional love already and will continue to talk about it below. Here we will just reiterate, making a special emphasis, that developing love in oneself is a major method of spiritual self-perfection. This is the method by which we transform ourselves (as consciousnesses) into Godlike Love first and then into Divine Love, uniting and merging with God. This love must not be confused with lust — selfish sexual passion. True love is not the same as sugariness — a travesty of love, something, which takes place when one is attempting to demonstrate love when the spiritual heart is void of this emotion. A feature of true love is a lack of elements of violence and compulsion in it. Otherwise it is not love anymore, but constraint, rape. Love is subtle, tender, and free from egotism and egocentrism. It rests on caring about the other, not oneself. Maturing of love must be based on the true knowledge of God and knowledge of the meaning of human life. As this love accumulates knowledge and experience, it becomes wise. As it develops in helping others, including fighting for their welfare, and by means of practicing special meditative techniques — it becomes strong. Love, Wisdom, and Power — these are qualities of God. Those who have mastered them up to the Divine level infuse themselves easily into the Primordial Consciousness, thus completing their evolution in the human form. After that they continue to exist in the capacity of an active Part of God-the-Father. But one cannot walk this Path to Divinity to the end just by thinking about It. This is a long and difficult work of transforming oneself. This work can be compared to the work of an athlete who spends many years in persistent and exhausting trainings in order to bring the body to perfection. But working with the consciousness is much more difficult. In this work, just like in athletics, the person, as a rule, cannot achieve serious results without the help of an instructor. On the spiritual Path this can be either an embodied Guru — a person who has already walked the entire Path (or the most part of It) and knows personally the Goal of the Path. Or God Himself may become one’s Guru, like it was the case in my life [7]. Karma Yoga is a universal method of self-development on the Path to Perfection, which God constantly suggests to us. This is a way of perfecting oneself trough service to God, which is carried out by helping people in their evolution. This can be sharing spiritual knowledge with them, teaching them reading and writing, working in scientific, pedagogic, or medicine fields, practicing art, building homes, manufacturing clothing, producing food, protecting people from various criminal scum — the dregs of the Evolution. What is important about this is that every kind of activity has to be performed not for a reward, nor selfishly — but for the sake of helping people to advance to Perfection, including supporting their existence on the Earth, in this School of God. This principle of Karma Yoga does not necessarily imply that work should be unpaid — this would be absurdity. But those who received help as a gift must think about giving something back. People who do not respond to gifts with gifts are considered by God as thieves (see Bhagavad Gita in [11]). It should be noted here that activities that cause harm to people are not Karma Yoga and cannot be considered righteous. These are, for example, production and distribution of alcoholic drinks, tobacco products and other psychedelic substances, taking part in aggressive wars, preaching any type of hatred and aggressiveness, promoting fear, killing animals for using their bodies for food or for utilizing the skin torn of their bodies, unnecessary destruction of plants, etc. In other words, Karma Yoga implies helping people only in what is good. |