New Ecopsychology
Published by ISBN: 978-1-8975-1016-2 © Antonov V.V., 2008 Eternal Law — Sanatana DharmaSo, sects are those religious associations that deviated from the true Teachings of God. But the Teachings of God were brought to us through sayings and writings of Thoth-the-Atlantean (He was Hermes Trismegistus in His next incarnation), Krishna, Lao Tse, Pythagoras, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Babaji, Sathya Sai Baba and other Divine Messengers, prophets, great disciples of God, and spiritual heroes. (The essence of their preachings is summarized in our books [6,11]). One can also find several valuable passages in the Old Testament. But we can see that in the entire Bible, there is no description of God-the-Father — the main object of worship of all believers. How can one lovingly aspire to Him, about Whom… one does not know anything? Is not this the reason why He got almost forgotten in the mass Christian Churches? The Bhagavad Gita provides a comprehensive description of Him and of the Path to Him. The only problem is that the Bhagavad Gita has been translated by people who did not quite understand it. Only those who put into practice the entire Teachings of Krishna could do a reliable translation. Throughout the entire history of mankind God has been teaching people the same thing: how we have to develop ourselves, seeking Divine Perfection and aspiring to Mergence with Him. But people tend to forget the essence of the concrete Teachings given to them, distort something in them, sometimes to their exact antithesis, and start conflicting with those who perverted the Teachings in a different manner [9]. This is why God needs to incarnate Parts of Himself into human bodies again and again or to speak through new prophets — in an attempt to revive Sanatana Dharma. But people tend to consider His Envoys as enemies of their “true” faith, to taunt at Them and to kill Them. Currently, the Avatar Sathya Sai Baba preaches these pure Teachings in this way (His Teachings are integrated in the books [6,11]). The essence of Sathya Sai Baba’s Teachings as well as of the Teachings of all other Divine Teachers can be summarized in short as follows. The main goal of man is to merge — as a developed consciousness — with the Consciousness of God. In order to realize this, one has to study oneself and God as multidimensional phenomena, including cognition of the Abode of the Creator and settling there with the consciousness. In order to accomplish this, one has to prepare oneself by spiritual practices — such as pranayamas, techniques of pratyahara, and meditative trainings. But no training is of use if we lack steadfast faith and longing for the Creator, or do not have a developed ability to love. Love is a function of the spiritual heart, and one has to start developing it through interaction with people and other incarnate beings. Basic principles here are compassion for every living being and serving every living being according to Karma Yoga postulates. Karma Yoga is a practical expression of one’s love for God and for people; it is the best method of self-development. Faith without active service is dead. One should also cultivate faith by remembering constantly about God. Religious conversations, various rituals, and public worships that involve praising God’s name, etc. can help one in this. All main principles of one’s relationships with people and other creatures are summarized in the short precept of Vyasa: “Help ever (in everything that is good), hurt never!” Sathya Sai Baba gives detailed explanation of this precept with reference to a great number of concrete Earth’s situations. He teaches that there are two major landmarks in every person’s earthly life: God — as the Goal, and the death of the body — as a reminder of our limited opportunity to improve. Let us remember this! Let us cast aside all the insignificant and unnecessary things and devote ourselves totally to the realization of the meaning of our lives! This is the way to liberation from bonds of karma, from diseases, from the necessity to submerge into the world of sufferings again. This is the way to Merging forever with our most Beloved! |